
Valentina Mulas


I was born in 1987 in Muravera (Ca), and I graduated in Cagliari and I graduated in “Psicologia dello sviluppo e dei processi socio-lavorativi” in 2014 (Psychology of Organizational and social processes). I wrote my thesis about “Sensitivity Analysis and Structural Equation Models) at University of Vienna (Fakultät für Psychologie). I published my paper about my bachelor thesis, named “Differences between experts and non experts in perception and assessment of photography” (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10339-012-0456-x).  I worked as Data Entry for H3g Company. I worked for several years also for a journal about food and recipes, and this is both job and hobby. I love Human Resources field and I think about this master to help me to learn skills aim to study quantitative and systematic about psychological phenomena.


Daniela Senatore


Graduated masterful cum laude in “Business and Public Communication” at the University of Salerno with a thesis entitled “Public Administration’s approach to the e-governance. Analysis of istitutional twitter profiles”. The research focuses on relations between State and civil society, practices and experiences of shared management of “res publica”. This research is continued with an article entitled "Social media communication in central governments: the case of twitter activity of Italian Ministries", published on the “Nova Science Publishers - Journal of Communications Research”. To the Press agent experience at the Province of Salerno follows the representation of the research area of the Observatory for Communication and Participation of Youth Cultures (OCPG). Council member of “Progetti in Network”, a cultural association based in Salerno. The association is specialized in communication and cultural activities and conferences and seminars organizat”, a cultural association based in Salerno. Responsible for organizing secretary of the “Eighth Annual Conference of the ESPAnet Italia”, the network of italian and european social policies. 


Oscar Dinarelli


Oscar earned Master degree in experimental psychology at the Florence University in 2015, his thesis work was presented in the poster session of the IMRF (International Multisensory Research Forum) 2015. An old and strong passion for the Open source universe directs his interest towards technology and programming, in addition both this passion and his background led him to look at technology from  a human-centered perspective. 


Cosimo Curiale


In July of 2014 he obtained a Master's Degree in Medical and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology at the University of Florence with 110/110 cum Laude.He plays a thesis on the study of the molecular mechanisms involved in the process of carcinogenesis of colorectal cancer (familial adenomatous polyposis) analyzing the gene expression profile of transgenic rats used as a study model. While at university, he follows a training course at the Biophysics Laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry where he continued his studies on protein folding mechanisms, structural analysis of proteins and protein - protein interaction systems. A training very focused in the laboratory practice allows him to use various bioinformatics and biophysical techniques oriented on Big Data analysis (e.g. DNA - microarray, confocal microscopy), here comes his interest in the study of the Big Data .


Vittorio Malaguti


Vittorio Malaguti is interested in studying anthropology and cultures. He graduated at the University of Pavia in 2015 in philosophy, with a thesis on cultural memory and the correlated political view; he likes to study the shapes of cities, Kant, medieval history. He refuses to choose between humanist studies and scientific knowledge, so he sat at the edge, finding in computer science both an interesting new branch of knowledge, surprisingly so akin with philosophy, and a powerful tool to understand our lives. He is amazed by pythons.


Davide Avella


Graduated masterful cum laude in “Business and Public Communication” at the University of Salerno with a thesis entitled “The private Internet. Intellectual property and the Internet governance”. The research focuses on new forms of power after global widespread of Internet. From 2011 to 2014, communication area responsible at the Observatory for Communication and Participation of Youth Cultures (OCPG). The principle activities are: press office, social media manager, content management of web sites, public relation and so on. President of “Progetti in Network”, a cultural association based in Salerno specialized in communication and cultural activities and conferences and seminars organization. Responsible for organizing secretary of “Eighth Annual Conference of the ESPAnet Italia”, network of italian and european social policies.


Costanza Balboni Cestelli

Balboni Cestelli

Constanza graduated with honors in International Development with a concentration in Quantitative Methods and Public Policy from the Institute for Development Policy and Management (PMID) at University of Manchester with a dissertation which, for the first time, proposes an econometric model to interpret transnational elite breeding strategies. She currently works for a Big Four, in Business Performance Services. Previously, she took part in international missions of the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, living in China and Brazil. In 2013 she founded The Italians, a policy analysis think tank composed of young Italian researchers and professionals living abroad. The think tank has connected more than 35 members and produced two original policy researches, raising public awareness about the brain drain phenomenon. Her project has been recently featured in Radio24 and Donna Europa Young Talents sections.



Giuseppe De Maio

De Maio

Graduated masterful in in "Biomedical Engineering" with 110/110 at the University of Florence with a thesis entitled “FEM analysis and experimental validation of rapid expander for orthodontics”. The research focuses on structural analysis of biomedical devices, through the use of methods of numerical simulation of three-dimensional models. The knowledge of finite elements was strengthened by work done in the office of design at the company Leone S.p.A. in Florence as an FEM analyst. The passion for programming comes durations collaboration to L.I.A.B. (Interdisciplinary Laboratory of Biomedical Acoustics) of the Department of Electronics and Telecommunications of the University of Florence for a project Spectral analysis of infant crying in MatLab and C environment.



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