I was born in 1987 in Muravera (Ca), and I graduated in Cagliari and I graduated in “Psicologia dello sviluppo e dei processi socio-lavorativi” in 2014 (Psychology of Organizational and social processes). I wrote my thesis about “Sensitivity Analysis and Structural Equation Models) at University of Vienna (Fakultät für Psychologie). I published my paper about my bachelor thesis, named “Differences between experts and non experts in perception and assessment of photography” (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10339-012-0456-x). I worked as Data Entry for H3g Company. I worked for several years also for a journal about food and recipes, and this is both job and hobby. I love Human Resources field and I think about this master to help me to learn skills aim to study quantitative and systematic about psychological phenomena.